Let's Play Baldor's Gate August 3rd

Who should I play as for Baldors gate 3 Lets play?

  • Looksmax Refugee

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Khaos

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Based Vampire

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Seji

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Disturbed1

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters


Jan 2, 2022
Alright, folks. Cut the crap, and listen up. We're about to dive headfirst into a Baldur's Gate 3 saga like no other over on [TBA edgy streaming site]. This ain't your grandma's Let's Play; it's a messy, chaotic, wicked run driven by the collective mad genius of all of you.

Our hero? Some poor schmuck stuck with the mindflayer's curse. We've got to navigate the twisted road of Saramorphosis, and guess what? You're riding shotgun, calling the shots. Maybe we start as an assassin lurking in shadows, then flip the script, and go holy as a cleric. This is our game; we play by our rules.

But let's keep it real. This ain't about lofty heroics or epic tragedies. We're here to stir up trouble, have a laugh, and make this playthrough one hell of a good time. You bring the suggestions – the crazier, the better. I want strategies that'll make a beholder blink in surprise. I want choices that'll have a goblin rolling on the floor laughing.

This is Baldur's Gate 3, the way it's meant to be played – on the edge, no punches pulled, with you calling the wild, the weird, and the downright hilarious. So, buckle in, and let's screw with the Forgotten Realms together. This isn't just any game; it's our beautifully chaotic masterpiece.

Don't miss out. Join the mayhem and let's make this a ride to remember.

Character Name: @Looksmax Refugee

Deep beneath the craggy expanse of the world lies a dark, unforgiving abyss known as the Underdark. It is here, amongst the eternal gloom and echoing silence, that Refugee, known by many as "Looksmax," was born and bred.

Born into the perilous life of the svirfneblin, or deep gnomes, Looksmax's earliest memories were those of ceaseless toil, the clamour of pick against stone and the soft luminescence of precious gems nestled within the rocky embrace of the Underdark. From a young age, he was known to be different, brusque where others were cordial, and seeming to find a strange solace in the hardships and drudgeries of life.

A brutal cave-in left Looksmax the lone survivor of his mining unit. Trapped and wounded, he languished in the crushing dark, the weight of the earth itself bearing down upon him. It was in this pit of despair that Flint found solace in the unlikely form of a vision of Ilmater, the Crying God, a deity of endurance and sacrifice, offering succour in the face of overwhelming suffering.

From then on, Looksmax devoted himself to the worship of Ilmater, his faith fueling his drive to endure, to overcome. He took to carrying a pair of broken chains as a symbol of his devotion and the hardships he'd endured, earning him the moniker "emo." His edgy persona, reflecting his traumatic past and newfound purpose, only deepened his allure.

looksmax's personal preferences, his attraction to youthful, lithe men, though a stark contrast to his hardened exterior, are a central part of his identity. The affection he holds for these "twinks," as they are often called, displays a softer, protective side to him. This unexpected dichotomy adds a layer of complexity to his persona, enhancing his enigmatic charm.

Looksmax Refugee, a deep gnome and cleric of Ilmater, walks his path with the resilience of a seasoned survivor and the gentle heart of a protective lover. His life is a testament to endurance in the face of adversity, with his personal desires and relationships adding unexpected warmth to his otherwise hardened persona. He endures, for he knows that in suffering, there is strength, and in love, there is hope.

In the heart of elemental chaos, @Khaos was born, a Mephistopheles Tiefling, his skin a pale, ethereal grey akin to the misty veils of an early morning. His eyes radiated a purple glow, a beacon of his inherent power, captivating and enigmatic. His hair was a spectacle in itself - a series of black dreadlocks arranged akin to cornrows, adorned with streaks of purple highlights.

Khaos, even in his solitude, was a sight to behold, a unique blend of mystery and power. He harbored an affinity for the cold, often retreating into the biting winds and frost-laden solitude of winter.

During one of these solace-seeking sojourns, Khaos stumbled upon the call of the Prince of Frost. This voice, a chilling hymn carried on the winter's wind, led him to a hidden icy altar. Here, he entered into a pact with the Prince of Frost, a prominent figure from the Winter Court. This pact bestowed upon him a power that echoed his icy predilections, allowing him to command the force of winter itself.

However, Khaos’s devotion to Akadi remained. Raised as an acolyte of the Lady of the Winds, he revered the goddess of elemental air and movement. He saw a reflection of his own volatile nature in her ever-changing principles. His hope to serve as her cleric, despite the current unrecognized status of Akadi in the Pantheon, remained steadfast.

Accepting the Prince of Frost’s pact led to a transformation within Khaos. He retained his Mephistopheles Tiefling appearance, but his essence now resonated with winter itself, making him a living embodiment of frost and storm. His path, now etched in ice, held the promise of a grand adventure filled with chilling trials and the thrill of the storm he was ready to command. The storm was only just beginning, and Khaos, the embodiment of frost and chaos, was ready for it.


Once a mere scribe from the arcane-riddled, red-sanded land of Thay, " @Based Vampire " led an unassuming life in the shadows of the power-hungry wizards and menacing undead. Thay, known for its cruel Zulkirs and the infamous Red Wizards, fostered in him a sense of harsh realism. But he found solace in the teachings of Myrkul, the Lord of Bones. This deity’s fascination with the end of life's journey resonated with our Thayan, whose everyday reality was punctuated with mortality.

"Based Vampire", though human, derived his peculiar name from his obsession with the eternal cycle of life and death. The omnipresence of necromancy and a culture steeped in seeking power over life itself, only nurtured his calling towards Myrkul. The name "Based Vampire" reflected not a literal thirst for blood, but a metaphorical thirst for understanding the secrets of life, death, and the stages in between.

His devotion to Myrkul was not born from fear or a desire to control, but from an understanding that death was the ultimate equalizer, an undeniable truth to which even the mighty Red Wizards weren't immune. Embarking on a spiritual journey, he became a Cleric of Myrkul, making it his life's mission to guide souls to their final rest and to teach others that death is not an end, but a doorway. His teachings, though macabre to some, bring a strange sense of comfort to those living under the constant specter of necromancy.

From Thay to the farthest reaches of the Sword Coast, "Based Vampire" seeks to understand the myriad forms of life and death while following his path as a cleric. Every being he encounters, every soul he guides, brings him one step closer to comprehending the enigma that is the cycle of existence.


With a heritage as intricate as the shadows he dwells within, @seji , a half-drow rogue, navigates the world with an uncanny grace and an ever-watchful eye. His soul whispers to the wild winds of fortune, his faith rests in the chaotic hands of Beshaba, the Goddess of Misfortune. Not by choice, but by circumstances, he finds solace in her unpredictable domain.

Born of a surface-dwelling human father and a drow mother, his life has been an interplay of contrasts. As a child of two worlds, Seji's existence has been a struggle between the radiance of the sunlit world and the enthralling darkness of the Underdark. He was a misfit amongst both his parental races, always on the edge, always the outsider.

And in that struggle, he discovered his calling – the art of stealth and manipulation, traits that served him well in a world that was never truly his own. Yet, amidst the artifice, Seji found a form of truth. He became a rogue, using his skills for survival, and later, for something more meaningful. He mastered the shadows, he learned the silent language of locked doors and unattended treasures, he became an unseen whisper in the night.

Seji's faith in Beshaba is not one of reverence, but of acceptance. He knows that every streak of good fortune has a shadow, every victory its price. As an acolyte of the Maid of Misfortune, he doesn’t pray for luck, but for the strength to face whatever ill fortune may come his way. It is his belief that, through understanding and accepting misfortune, one can truly prepare for it, manipulate it, and perhaps, even use it.

With his drow heritage providing him the perfect blend of subtlety and strength, and his destiny leading him towards becoming an assassin, Seji continues to walk his path, guided by the cruel hand of Beshaba. As he steps into the labyrinth of life and death, he knows the Lady Doom walks with him, casting her shadow over his every step.


@Disturbed1 is a Duergar, alright? Duergar! Born in the fiery pits of Gracklstugh, where they eat resilience for breakfast! And let me tell you, he's no Johnny-on-the-spot hero. Hell no! He's something... different. He's got style. He's got nerve.

Now here's where it gets really wild. Our boy Disturbed1 here, he might just dip his toes into the holy waters and come out as a cleric. A Duergar cleric. Think about it. The unbreakable spirit of a dwarf, meshed with divine power? Whoa, baby, that's spicy!

But wait, there's more. He's got his eyes on Beshaba, the goddess of misfortune! Now that's living dangerously. Order and chaos, all jumbled up together. Like pouring gasoline on a firework. But hold your horses! Beshaba might not even be in the running when push comes to shove. But, you know what? That's fine. It's all fine. There are other gods, each with their own perks and quirks. And let me tell you, it's going to be a wild ride!

So buckle up, because Disturbed1 is about to redefine what it means to be a hero. He's not just a character; he's a force of nature. He's got the strength of a Duergar, the faith of a cleric, and the unpredictability of a wild card. So brace yourselves, because this ride's about to get bumpy. Disturbed1 doesn't just play the game, he changes it. You ready for this? Because Disturbed1 sure as hell is. Let's do this!

WM ufqR4e small Baldurs Gate 3 Lets Play Ba


Jan 2, 2022
I like the @Based Vampire backstory the most tbh. If you can play a vampire role, syphon health, or some shit, it would be hilarious.

this game mogged on gamecube
View attachment 77390
Theres an origin character that is a vampire spawn or something like that. You cant create your own though. You can have him on your team. I really like him although he is kinda obviously gay


Jan 2, 2022
I don't know which build is more viable I never played the game
let's break it down – we're talking character builds with a twist of storytelling zest! First on the menu is the Disturbed1 Duergar. Picture this: a stout, battle-hardened mountain of a dwarf. But get this – he's got some funky tricks up his sleeves. Like a videogame power-up, our buddy can go all Super Mario and balloon up in size! Not impressed yet? Well, he can also play ninja and turn invisible. How’s that for a sneak attack?

Moving on to the holy rollers, we got ourselves a Cleric congregation. The big exception is our pal Seji, who's gonna put a twist in the plot and multiclass around level 3. We’ll get back to him. The rest of our Cleric comrades, mostly tricksters by trade, are dabbling in the arts of divine mischief and patching up wounds.

'Looksmax' is rocking the medic-sneak combo. Imagine being that guy who can patch up a friend while hiding in the shadows. Neat, huh?

Next up is 'Khaos', the spell-slinging healer. Picture a wizard with band-aids, swirling with arcane might and patching up owies. Dynamic!

'BV' – that’s Based Vampire, the human – don’t let the human part fool you. He's going all-in on rituals, conjuring magic from ancient scrolls like it’s a buffet. Humans ain’t so basic after all!

Now, Seji! He’s part healer, part damage-dealer, and 100% gutsy leader. When the going gets tough, he’s the one you want in your corner, rallying the troops.

Back to our main man, Disturbed1. He’s the ultimate wild card – a mystery wrapped in an enigma. We don’t know his final form yet! Ideally, he'd be waving the banner of Beshaba – the goddess of bad luck. But that’s up in the air – the gal’s got a habit of skipping town. The thing is, Duergar can turn invisible on their own, so Beshaba’s tricky vibes might be redundant. But still, it’d be cool. A Beshaba-worshipping Duergar is like a superstitious gambler with an ace up his sleeve.


Jan 2, 2022
Omg baldurs gate im so excited fellow goys

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for conext
Lacrymas from RPG codex said: "it's more about making the player care about that motivation. Everything feels very disconnected, as if a 7-man cuck squad wrote it without having an overall vision they are working towards and everyone writing whatever they feel like. And it literally is that, every quest is an island. In a different dimension. Slasher movies and porn better contextualize what they are doing." Divinity 1 & 2 are other games also made by Larian. They are CRPGs just like Baldors gate 3. Divinity never really appealed to me I always felt that its it was intended to appeal to 10 year olds as well as adults. I dont think that is like Baldors gate at all. Never has there been a Cinematic CRPG of this scope ever made and the team making it is much larger than Divinity.
So far there's no one here

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