Discussion Why the elites are right



xiǎo bái liǎn / King Vamp
Dec 2, 2020

Gamal the slave was digging his living god the cradle in which he would spend his eternal slumber. Soon his pharaoh would have the luxury of dancing among the stars alongside his ancestors and their other glorious gods. Unlike Gamal himself, whom upon his death would be simply dumped into a mass grave to be eaten by insects alongside all the other poor suckers also tasked with building the Pharaoh's temple. Because in ancient Egypt you see, if you were poor you did not get to have a fancy afterlife like the Pharaoh. And why would they be? They after all were just mere bugs walking in the shadows of a living god. They were nothing compared to him. Their blood not worthy of flowing through the same veins. They were but a means to an end. Essentially living machines the sole purpose of which were to provide the more worthy blood with the means to flourish. They had no other place or purpose in this world. They existed only to serve the inherently superior.

But despite this, neither Gamal nor his band of suckers hated their pharaoh. For they, just like almost every other piece of shit degenerate inhabiting this ancient shithole of a country simply lacked the mental tools to understand why devoting their whole lives towards building what is basically a giant glorified coffin to appease the deranged ego of an 80 year old semi-living corpse is a terrible fucking idea.

That was 5 thousand years ago. Nothing has changed since then, except that we now have CEOs and dictators instead of kings and pharaohs. Yachts and mansions instead of Pyramids.

And the people haven't gotten any smarter. Despite all the miracle technology at people's disposal, they are just as clueless, ignorant, and generally apathetic towards the world around them and the people in control of it as they always have been. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

And the reason for this.....is because the elites are right.

Understanding why the elites are right about the world.
In all of human history, the ruling classes have regarded themselves as being inherently superior to the sheeple below them. From kings to pharaohs to emperors, all of them have regarded themselves and the ruling classes that they reigned over as being better than all the rest. From their point of view, there is something special about them. Something that they and they alone possess that simply doesn't exist among the rest of society. Some special ingredient. A special ingredient that makes them innately better suited for ruling, and that without them civilization simply cannot exist.

They have a point.

Starting with the enlightenment period in Europe during the 1700's, there developed ideologies that questioned the notion that humans were born innately unequal. Ideas of democracy and human equality (well by the standards of the era anyway) spread like wildfire, and about 3 centuries later the idea of democracy and the notion of "rule from below" had become not only accepted but near universal. Several competing branches of these ideas existed of course. On one hand we had liberty minded capitalists advocating for the removal of government. On the other hand we had marxists and socialists who insisted that only if the concept of the ownership class is destroyed can humanity be truly free. But despite their differences, all of these ideas shared one thing in common: All of them reject the notion that humans are born unequal and that some have a natural right to rule over others.

But is this faith in human equality warranted?

The reason the enlightenment was wrong
Advocates of the enlightenment did not understand human nature. Or more specifically, they did not understand evolution and socio-biology. Perhaps understandable mistakes, seeing as neither of those two things existed yet. But if they had existed, it seems extremely unlikely that liberal and humanist ideas would have gotten very far. Earlier, it was pointed out that historically the ruling classes have believed themselves to contain some special ingredient that gave them a natural talent for rulership as well as the right to rule. Something that made them different from the filthy unwashed masses and thus superior. But how much are these beliefs justified?

Defining superiority
So what exactly makes the ruling classes different from the sheep? Plenty of things as it turns out. The upper classes have vastly higher IQ on average (about 120+ compared to the average of 95-105), which is heavily correlated with positive life outcome for virtually everything that matters. They also (albeit not as consistently) have superior physical attractiveness as well. Genetics research has also revealed over and over that differences in IQ are mostly inherited, meaning that it's not possible for a low IQ family (baring some extreme luck) to give birth to high IQ children. As a result, we end up with a situation where all the most talented people tend to concentrate into the ruling classes over time while the inferior stay at the bottom where they remain stuck without a future to speak off. This is the absolute opposite of humans being equal.

But perhaps the biggest difference by far other than IQ or looks, is the entirely different psychology that the ruling classes enjoy compared to the unwashed masses...

Despite what most people think, the ruling classes have not historically been ignorant or out of touch with the rest of society. They just merely don't care about what happens to the "less fortunate" (aka the inferior), and this can create the illusion that the elites don't understand anything where as in reality they just don't give a shit. And why would they give a shit? The masses are comically apathetic about anything that isn't affecting them at that moment in time, and when they do care they will typically blame it on some bullshit instead of the actual real causes (the elites). Racism, ignorance, superstition, religion.....those things have always been practiced the most by the lower classes.

The ruling classes might exploit those things if it suits them sure, but only the lower classes actually truly crave those things. In fact, some of the most stable empires existed exactly and precisely because they were led by undemocratic elites that attempted to balance the needs of the different parts of their empires. Empires whom instantly fell into pieces once the masses were allowed to have any say in things (look at former Yugoslavia after it's dictator died) because they weren't able to look past things like race or some other bullshit. The elites are mostly concerned with stuff that actually matters. Wealth. Power. Status. Legacy. Historically the elites have either been enlightened visionaries or depraved debaucherous whom were simply too hedonistic to care about things like religion or nation. Race and religion is mostly a lower class cope.

The elites are actually blackpilled
One of the major mental differences between the elites and everybody else, is that the elites.....get it.

Sure the elites have higher IQ and better looks, but not everybody (most people don't in fact) with high IQ and good looks becomes a member of the ruling class. So what gives? Bad luck? No...

Bad luck has nothing to do with it. The "special ingredient" mentioned above (other than IQ+looks) IS THE BLACKPILL.

Yes, you read that right. In all of history the ruling classes HAVE BEEN BLACKPILLED. Obviously they did not use that word. In fact they probably did not even outright admit any blackpill truths (typically) in front of others. But they were still blackpilled. They understood (and still understand) how this world ACTUALLY works. They don't believe in morals or ethics. They don't believe in so called "human compassion" (which in reality is just a cucked excuse to shield the inferior from being thrown to the dogs). They don't believe in "meritocracy" (because they consider themselves superior). They don't believe in "equality". They don't actually believe in religion/god. They don't actually give a shit about abstract concepts like "nations" or "races" (except only as a means to bullshit the lower classes). They know those things are all horseshit.

But they also know that those things can be easily exploited to bullshit others...

Karl Marx was wrong. The masses NEED their copes
Karl Marx predicted a revolution of the lower classes. That once the poor become poor enough, that they would dispose of their corrupt elites and build a socialist society free of money and inequality. The premise seemed logical enough: Once the ruling class becomes too rich and the lower class too poor the later will stop tolerating the former and old bigotry over race and religion will vanish as the poor unite in their hatred towards the rich. Except this never happened. Because marx failed to understand something extremely important: THE MASSES NEED THEIR COPES.

They can't function without them. Take away their religions. Take away their nationalism. Take away their racial pride. And they are left with what? Nothing. They are left with nothing. Without their copes they are just useless pieces of shits with low IQ and bad looks. The critical mistake Marx made was assuming that the lower classes valued materialism more than the mental benefit of not thinking they are worthless, and he was largely incorrect. The masses are just as egotistical (if not more) as their rulers. They will not tolerate any blow to their ego and self-esteem. This is why even today the vast majority of normie NPC retards outright reject any notion of innate things like IQ or looks being critical in life because their whole world view would fall apart if they did.

Marx also failed to account for the inherently different psychology of the lower class Vs that of the ruling class. The ruling class isn't just the ruling class because of things like higher IQ, but also because the ruling class actually understands the world around it and preemptively insures that events unfold as it wants them to. The lower classes all the while remain glued to their smartphones and despite having literally a whole world worth of information in their hands remain clueless about everything that is happening around them. It literally doesn't matter to them that soon all of their freedoms could be lost and their standards of living massively downgraded, because there are simply to many low IQ distractions to keep their equally low IQ brains preoccupied. And in the event they do rebel, they will probably blame the wrong causes (aka race, religion etc) because they are too low IQ and stupid to understand whom their true enemy is.

The problem with Marx's theory isn't even really Marx's theory. Marx's theory was very much logical. The problem is...the sheep isn't.

The lower classes have built nothing of value
But even if Marx's prediction came true and the dumbfucks actually did overthrow their masters...then what?

These morons can't do anything on their own. If you look at history the overwhelming majority of them have been total NPCs with low IQ and no vision for anything. And in the handful few cases this wasn't the case, such individuals typically made it into the ruling class anyway exactly and precisely because they weren't useless dumbfucks like everybody else. People often like to talk about the "resourcefulness of humanity". Just fucking LOL. There isn't any such thing as "humanity". The ruling elites are so different biologically from the lower classes they could as well be a different species entirely (in fact, one could even make an educated argument that they really are in fact their own separate and superior sub-species...).

If a revolution were to happen and the "workers seized the means of production", then there would be a massive famine and half of them would starve to death because nobody would be able to keep anything working. Basically the world just devolve into a giant extension of Africa. No organized society, just a giant steaming pile of shit where nothing works and half of everybody starves. You can also forget about anybody inventing anything new or exiting.

What all of this comes down to in the end...
So back to our original question.....are the ruling classes really naturally born to rule?

The answer is yes.

And the reason it is yes, is because the lower classes have evolved to be easy to rule over. They don't understand anything and are too ignorant to be of any real danger to the ruling classes plans. They are talentless and invent virtually nothing noteworthy, being useful only as wagecucks (and even that will change once automation starts making them useless). They are racist, unintelligent and bigoted. And perhaps most hilariously, are some of the biggest supporters of throwing away things specifically designed to protect them like freedom of speech simply because they don't even have the maturity needed to exercise these very freedoms that were given to them by other much more intelligent and more worthy individuals (and of course are always utterly shocked when this backfires on them).

The masses are absolutely and utterly stupid. And 100% deserving of being ruled over by other superior humans.

So yes.....the ruling classes really are "born to rule".


Dec 4, 2020
Not reading all that


Dec 18, 2020

Gamal the slave was digging his living god the cradle in which he would spend his eternal slumber. Soon his pharaoh would have the luxury of dancing among the stars alongside his ancestors and their other glorious gods. Unlike Gamal himself, whom upon his death would be simply dumped into a mass grave to be eaten by insects alongside all the other poor suckers also tasked with building the Pharaoh's temple. Because in ancient Egypt you see, if you were poor you did not get to have a fancy afterlife like the Pharaoh. And why would they be? They after all were just mere bugs walking in the shadows of a living god. They were nothing compared to him. Their blood not worthy of flowing through the same veins. They were but a means to an end. Essentially living machines the sole purpose of which were to provide the more worthy blood with the means to flourish. They had no other place or purpose in this world. They existed only to serve the inherently superior.

But despite this, neither Gamal nor his band of suckers hated their pharaoh. For they, just like almost every other piece of shit degenerate inhabiting this ancient shithole of a country simply lacked the mental tools to understand why devoting their whole lives towards building what is basically a giant glorified coffin to appease the deranged ego of an 80 year old semi-living corpse is a terrible fucking idea.

That was 5 thousand years ago. Nothing has changed since then, except that we now have CEOs and dictators instead of kings and pharaohs. Yachts and mansions instead of Pyramids.

And the people haven't gotten any smarter. Despite all the miracle technology at people's disposal, they are just as clueless, ignorant, and generally apathetic towards the world around them and the people in control of it as they always have been. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

And the reason for this.....is because the elites are right.

Understanding why the elites are right about the world.
In all of human history, the ruling classes have regarded themselves as being inherently superior to the sheeple below them. From kings to pharaohs to emperors, all of them have regarded themselves and the ruling classes that they reigned over as being better than all the rest. From their point of view, there is something special about them. Something that they and they alone possess that simply doesn't exist among the rest of society. Some special ingredient. A special ingredient that makes them innately better suited for ruling, and that without them civilization simply cannot exist.

They have a point.

Starting with the enlightenment period in Europe during the 1700's, there developed ideologies that questioned the notion that humans were born innately unequal. Ideas of democracy and human equality (well by the standards of the era anyway) spread like wildfire, and about 3 centuries later the idea of democracy and the notion of "rule from below" had become not only accepted but near universal. Several competing branches of these ideas existed of course. On one hand we had liberty minded capitalists advocating for the removal of government. On the other hand we had marxists and socialists who insisted that only if the concept of the ownership class is destroyed can humanity be truly free. But despite their differences, all of these ideas shared one thing in common: All of them reject the notion that humans are born unequal and that some have a natural right to rule over others.

But is this faith in human equality warranted?

The reason the enlightenment was wrong
Advocates of the enlightenment did not understand human nature. Or more specifically, they did not understand evolution and socio-biology. Perhaps understandable mistakes, seeing as neither of those two things existed yet. But if they had existed, it seems extremely unlikely that liberal and humanist ideas would have gotten very far. Earlier, it was pointed out that historically the ruling classes have believed themselves to contain some special ingredient that gave them a natural talent for rulership as well as the right to rule. Something that made them different from the filthy unwashed masses and thus superior. But how much are these beliefs justified?

Defining superiority
So what exactly makes the ruling classes different from the sheep? Plenty of things as it turns out. The upper classes have vastly higher IQ on average (about 120+ compared to the average of 95-105), which is heavily correlated with positive life outcome for virtually everything that matters. They also (albeit not as consistently) have superior physical attractiveness as well. Genetics research has also revealed over and over that differences in IQ are mostly inherited, meaning that it's not possible for a low IQ family (baring some extreme luck) to give birth to high IQ children. As a result, we end up with a situation where all the most talented people tend to concentrate into the ruling classes over time while the inferior stay at the bottom where they remain stuck without a future to speak off. This is the absolute opposite of humans being equal.

But perhaps the biggest difference by far other than IQ or looks, is the entirely different psychology that the ruling classes enjoy compared to the unwashed masses...

Despite what most people think, the ruling classes have not historically been ignorant or out of touch with the rest of society. They just merely don't care about what happens to the "less fortunate" (aka the inferior), and this can create the illusion that the elites don't understand anything where as in reality they just don't give a shit. And why would they give a shit? The masses are comically apathetic about anything that isn't affecting them at that moment in time, and when they do care they will typically blame it on some bullshit instead of the actual real causes (the elites). Racism, ignorance, superstition, religion.....those things have always been practiced the most by the lower classes.

The ruling classes might exploit those things if it suits them sure, but only the lower classes actually truly crave those things. In fact, some of the most stable empires existed exactly and precisely because they were led by undemocratic elites that attempted to balance the needs of the different parts of their empires. Empires whom instantly fell into pieces once the masses were allowed to have any say in things (look at former Yugoslavia after it's dictator died) because they weren't able to look past things like race or some other bullshit. The elites are mostly concerned with stuff that actually matters. Wealth. Power. Status. Legacy. Historically the elites have either been enlightened visionaries or depraved debaucherous whom were simply too hedonistic to care about things like religion or nation. Race and religion is mostly a lower class cope.

The elites are actually blackpilled
One of the major mental differences between the elites and everybody else, is that the elites.....get it.

Sure the elites have higher IQ and better looks, but not everybody (most people don't in fact) with high IQ and good looks becomes a member of the ruling class. So what gives? Bad luck? No...

Bad luck has nothing to do with it. The "special ingredient" mentioned above (other than IQ+looks) IS THE BLACKPILL.

Yes, you read that right. In all of history the ruling classes HAVE BEEN BLACKPILLED. Obviously they did not use that word. In fact they probably did not even outright admit any blackpill truths (typically) in front of others. But they were still blackpilled. They understood (and still understand) how this world ACTUALLY works. They don't believe in morals or ethics. They don't believe in so called "human compassion" (which in reality is just a cucked excuse to shield the inferior from being thrown to the dogs). They don't believe in "meritocracy" (because they consider themselves superior). They don't believe in "equality". They don't actually believe in religion/god. They don't actually give a shit about abstract concepts like "nations" or "races" (except only as a means to bullshit the lower classes). They know those things are all horseshit.

But they also know that those things can be easily exploited to bullshit others...

Karl Marx was wrong. The masses NEED their copes
Karl Marx predicted a revolution of the lower classes. That once the poor become poor enough, that they would dispose of their corrupt elites and build a socialist society free of money and inequality. The premise seemed logical enough: Once the ruling class becomes too rich and the lower class too poor the later will stop tolerating the former and old bigotry over race and religion will vanish as the poor unite in their hatred towards the rich. Except this never happened. Because marx failed to understand something extremely important: THE MASSES NEED THEIR COPES.

They can't function without them. Take away their religions. Take away their nationalism. Take away their racial pride. And they are left with what? Nothing. They are left with nothing. Without their copes they are just useless pieces of shits with low IQ and bad looks. The critical mistake Marx made was assuming that the lower classes valued materialism more than the mental benefit of not thinking they are worthless, and he was largely incorrect. The masses are just as egotistical (if not more) as their rulers. They will not tolerate any blow to their ego and self-esteem. This is why even today the vast majority of normie NPC retards outright reject any notion of innate things like IQ or looks being critical in life because their whole world view would fall apart if they did.

Marx also failed to account for the inherently different psychology of the lower class Vs that of the ruling class. The ruling class isn't just the ruling class because of things like higher IQ, but also because the ruling class actually understands the world around it and preemptively insures that events unfold as it wants them to. The lower classes all the while remain glued to their smartphones and despite having literally a whole world worth of information in their hands remain clueless about everything that is happening around them. It literally doesn't matter to them that soon all of their freedoms could be lost and their standards of living massively downgraded, because there are simply to many low IQ distractions to keep their equally low IQ brains preoccupied. And in the event they do rebel, they will probably blame the wrong causes (aka race, religion etc) because they are too low IQ and stupid to understand whom their true enemy is.

The problem with Marx's theory isn't even really Marx's theory. Marx's theory was very much logical. The problem is...the sheep isn't.

The lower classes have built nothing of value
But even if Marx's prediction came true and the dumbfucks actually did overthrow their masters...then what?

These morons can't do anything on their own. If you look at history the overwhelming majority of them have been total NPCs with low IQ and no vision for anything. And in the handful few cases this wasn't the case, such individuals typically made it into the ruling class anyway exactly and precisely because they weren't useless dumbfucks like everybody else. People often like to talk about the "resourcefulness of humanity". Just fucking LOL. There isn't any such thing as "humanity". The ruling elites are so different biologically from the lower classes they could as well be a different species entirely (in fact, one could even make an educated argument that they really are in fact their own separate and superior sub-species...).

If a revolution were to happen and the "workers seized the means of production", then there would be a massive famine and half of them would starve to death because nobody would be able to keep anything working. Basically the world just devolve into a giant extension of Africa. No organized society, just a giant steaming pile of shit where nothing works and half of everybody starves. You can also forget about anybody inventing anything new or exiting.

What all of this comes down to in the end...
So back to our original question.....are the ruling classes really naturally born to rule?

The answer is yes.

And the reason it is yes, is because the lower classes have evolved to be easy to rule over. They don't understand anything and are too ignorant to be of any real danger to the ruling classes plans. They are talentless and invent virtually nothing noteworthy, being useful only as wagecucks (and even that will change once automation starts making them useless). They are racist, unintelligent and bigoted. And perhaps most hilariously, are some of the biggest supporters of throwing away things specifically designed to protect them like freedom of speech simply because they don't even have the maturity needed to exercise these very freedoms that were given to them by other much more intelligent and more worthy individuals (and of course are always utterly shocked when this backfires on them).

The masses are absolutely and utterly stupid. And 100% deserving of being ruled over by other superior humans.

So yes.....the ruling classes really are "born to rule".
I'll give you my response later today I got a bunch of erin's to run my nigga


Dec 18, 2020

Gamal the slave was digging his living god the cradle in which he would spend his eternal slumber. Soon his pharaoh would have the luxury of dancing among the stars alongside his ancestors and their other glorious gods. Unlike Gamal himself, whom upon his death would be simply dumped into a mass grave to be eaten by insects alongside all the other poor suckers also tasked with building the Pharaoh's temple. Because in ancient Egypt you see, if you were poor you did not get to have a fancy afterlife like the Pharaoh. And why would they be? They after all were just mere bugs walking in the shadows of a living god. They were nothing compared to him. Their blood not worthy of flowing through the same veins. They were but a means to an end. Essentially living machines the sole purpose of which were to provide the more worthy blood with the means to flourish. They had no other place or purpose in this world. They existed only to serve the inherently superior.

But despite this, neither Gamal nor his band of suckers hated their pharaoh. For they, just like almost every other piece of shit degenerate inhabiting this ancient shithole of a country simply lacked the mental tools to understand why devoting their whole lives towards building what is basically a giant glorified coffin to appease the deranged ego of an 80 year old semi-living corpse is a terrible fucking idea.

That was 5 thousand years ago. Nothing has changed since then, except that we now have CEOs and dictators instead of kings and pharaohs. Yachts and mansions instead of Pyramids.

And the people haven't gotten any smarter. Despite all the miracle technology at people's disposal, they are just as clueless, ignorant, and generally apathetic towards the world around them and the people in control of it as they always have been. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

And the reason for this.....is because the elites are right.

Understanding why the elites are right about the world.
In all of human history, the ruling classes have regarded themselves as being inherently superior to the sheeple below them. From kings to pharaohs to emperors, all of them have regarded themselves and the ruling classes that they reigned over as being better than all the rest. From their point of view, there is something special about them. Something that they and they alone possess that simply doesn't exist among the rest of society. Some special ingredient. A special ingredient that makes them innately better suited for ruling, and that without them civilization simply cannot exist.

They have a point.

Starting with the enlightenment period in Europe during the 1700's, there developed ideologies that questioned the notion that humans were born innately unequal. Ideas of democracy and human equality (well by the standards of the era anyway) spread like wildfire, and about 3 centuries later the idea of democracy and the notion of "rule from below" had become not only accepted but near universal. Several competing branches of these ideas existed of course. On one hand we had liberty minded capitalists advocating for the removal of government. On the other hand we had marxists and socialists who insisted that only if the concept of the ownership class is destroyed can humanity be truly free. But despite their differences, all of these ideas shared one thing in common: All of them reject the notion that humans are born unequal and that some have a natural right to rule over others.

But is this faith in human equality warranted?

The reason the enlightenment was wrong
Advocates of the enlightenment did not understand human nature. Or more specifically, they did not understand evolution and socio-biology. Perhaps understandable mistakes, seeing as neither of those two things existed yet. But if they had existed, it seems extremely unlikely that liberal and humanist ideas would have gotten very far. Earlier, it was pointed out that historically the ruling classes have believed themselves to contain some special ingredient that gave them a natural talent for rulership as well as the right to rule. Something that made them different from the filthy unwashed masses and thus superior. But how much are these beliefs justified?

Defining superiority
So what exactly makes the ruling classes different from the sheep? Plenty of things as it turns out. The upper classes have vastly higher IQ on average (about 120+ compared to the average of 95-105), which is heavily correlated with positive life outcome for virtually everything that matters. They also (albeit not as consistently) have superior physical attractiveness as well. Genetics research has also revealed over and over that differences in IQ are mostly inherited, meaning that it's not possible for a low IQ family (baring some extreme luck) to give birth to high IQ children. As a result, we end up with a situation where all the most talented people tend to concentrate into the ruling classes over time while the inferior stay at the bottom where they remain stuck without a future to speak off. This is the absolute opposite of humans being equal.

But perhaps the biggest difference by far other than IQ or looks, is the entirely different psychology that the ruling classes enjoy compared to the unwashed masses...

Despite what most people think, the ruling classes have not historically been ignorant or out of touch with the rest of society. They just merely don't care about what happens to the "less fortunate" (aka the inferior), and this can create the illusion that the elites don't understand anything where as in reality they just don't give a shit. And why would they give a shit? The masses are comically apathetic about anything that isn't affecting them at that moment in time, and when they do care they will typically blame it on some bullshit instead of the actual real causes (the elites). Racism, ignorance, superstition, religion.....those things have always been practiced the most by the lower classes.

The ruling classes might exploit those things if it suits them sure, but only the lower classes actually truly crave those things. In fact, some of the most stable empires existed exactly and precisely because they were led by undemocratic elites that attempted to balance the needs of the different parts of their empires. Empires whom instantly fell into pieces once the masses were allowed to have any say in things (look at former Yugoslavia after it's dictator died) because they weren't able to look past things like race or some other bullshit. The elites are mostly concerned with stuff that actually matters. Wealth. Power. Status. Legacy. Historically the elites have either been enlightened visionaries or depraved debaucherous whom were simply too hedonistic to care about things like religion or nation. Race and religion is mostly a lower class cope.

The elites are actually blackpilled
One of the major mental differences between the elites and everybody else, is that the elites.....get it.

Sure the elites have higher IQ and better looks, but not everybody (most people don't in fact) with high IQ and good looks becomes a member of the ruling class. So what gives? Bad luck? No...

Bad luck has nothing to do with it. The "special ingredient" mentioned above (other than IQ+looks) IS THE BLACKPILL.

Yes, you read that right. In all of history the ruling classes HAVE BEEN BLACKPILLED. Obviously they did not use that word. In fact they probably did not even outright admit any blackpill truths (typically) in front of others. But they were still blackpilled. They understood (and still understand) how this world ACTUALLY works. They don't believe in morals or ethics. They don't believe in so called "human compassion" (which in reality is just a cucked excuse to shield the inferior from being thrown to the dogs). They don't believe in "meritocracy" (because they consider themselves superior). They don't believe in "equality". They don't actually believe in religion/god. They don't actually give a shit about abstract concepts like "nations" or "races" (except only as a means to bullshit the lower classes). They know those things are all horseshit.

But they also know that those things can be easily exploited to bullshit others...

Karl Marx was wrong. The masses NEED their copes
Karl Marx predicted a revolution of the lower classes. That once the poor become poor enough, that they would dispose of their corrupt elites and build a socialist society free of money and inequality. The premise seemed logical enough: Once the ruling class becomes too rich and the lower class too poor the later will stop tolerating the former and old bigotry over race and religion will vanish as the poor unite in their hatred towards the rich. Except this never happened. Because marx failed to understand something extremely important: THE MASSES NEED THEIR COPES.

They can't function without them. Take away their religions. Take away their nationalism. Take away their racial pride. And they are left with what? Nothing. They are left with nothing. Without their copes they are just useless pieces of shits with low IQ and bad looks. The critical mistake Marx made was assuming that the lower classes valued materialism more than the mental benefit of not thinking they are worthless, and he was largely incorrect. The masses are just as egotistical (if not more) as their rulers. They will not tolerate any blow to their ego and self-esteem. This is why even today the vast majority of normie NPC retards outright reject any notion of innate things like IQ or looks being critical in life because their whole world view would fall apart if they did.

Marx also failed to account for the inherently different psychology of the lower class Vs that of the ruling class. The ruling class isn't just the ruling class because of things like higher IQ, but also because the ruling class actually understands the world around it and preemptively insures that events unfold as it wants them to. The lower classes all the while remain glued to their smartphones and despite having literally a whole world worth of information in their hands remain clueless about everything that is happening around them. It literally doesn't matter to them that soon all of their freedoms could be lost and their standards of living massively downgraded, because there are simply to many low IQ distractions to keep their equally low IQ brains preoccupied. And in the event they do rebel, they will probably blame the wrong causes (aka race, religion etc) because they are too low IQ and stupid to understand whom their true enemy is.

The problem with Marx's theory isn't even really Marx's theory. Marx's theory was very much logical. The problem is...the sheep isn't.

The lower classes have built nothing of value
But even if Marx's prediction came true and the dumbfucks actually did overthrow their masters...then what?

These morons can't do anything on their own. If you look at history the overwhelming majority of them have been total NPCs with low IQ and no vision for anything. And in the handful few cases this wasn't the case, such individuals typically made it into the ruling class anyway exactly and precisely because they weren't useless dumbfucks like everybody else. People often like to talk about the "resourcefulness of humanity". Just fucking LOL. There isn't any such thing as "humanity". The ruling elites are so different biologically from the lower classes they could as well be a different species entirely (in fact, one could even make an educated argument that they really are in fact their own separate and superior sub-species...).

If a revolution were to happen and the "workers seized the means of production", then there would be a massive famine and half of them would starve to death because nobody would be able to keep anything working. Basically the world just devolve into a giant extension of Africa. No organized society, just a giant steaming pile of shit where nothing works and half of everybody starves. You can also forget about anybody inventing anything new or exiting.

What all of this comes down to in the end...
So back to our original question.....are the ruling classes really naturally born to rule?

The answer is yes.

And the reason it is yes, is because the lower classes have evolved to be easy to rule over. They don't understand anything and are too ignorant to be of any real danger to the ruling classes plans. They are talentless and invent virtually nothing noteworthy, being useful only as wagecucks (and even that will change once automation starts making them useless). They are racist, unintelligent and bigoted. And perhaps most hilariously, are some of the biggest supporters of throwing away things specifically designed to protect them like freedom of speech simply because they don't even have the maturity needed to exercise these very freedoms that were given to them by other much more intelligent and more worthy individuals (and of course are always utterly shocked when this backfires on them).

The masses are absolutely and utterly stupid. And 100% deserving of being ruled over by other superior humans.

So yes.....the ruling classes really are "born to rule".
What I got out of your synopsis was basically we should all boot lick our corporate slave masters because were all a bunch of low iq monkeys who dont deserve to live the end

Well my opion is this your probably not going to agree but that's fine. First off iq test are highly overrated. There are three different types of intelligence. Second you seem to hate yourself if you want to see humanity destroyed. Once the famine begins you will feel differently when you and your family are starving to death. So it's easy to talk a big game until it directly affects you. You claim to have the soul of a neet but your views are pro establishment wich goes against all the neet represents in other words your having an identity crisis and its pathetic. So the question is who are you? What are your true values? Why do you hate yourself so much?

On thing that you were correct about are the pharos there blood line can be traced back to the leaders of today like the Rockefeller, bushes, Rothschild the pharos were hybrid aliens, same as today. The same people that are in control today. History repeats itself. Using fear like a fake pandemic to have humans self destruct is the oldest trick in the book. Because ultimately humans biggest weakness is there selfishness and obeying there slave masters. However humans are very gullible this is true. Wich is why there so easily manipulate thanks to how prideful they are. This in essence is the human race biggest weakness. Which is how the elites have maintained control over the masses. This is also how the elites justify there assault upon us. But I dont know about you but I like coochie, food, entertainment, cope I dont really like suffering and I'm sure you dont either. So the question again is why are you such a masochist?


xiǎo bái liǎn / King Vamp
Dec 2, 2020
Wtf makes you think that, I am not a npc that is why I consider the age of consent to be a jewish inventio to keep low birth rates in the west.
its more about old women / ugly men hating on guys who can get prime jb thats why they make such a fuss about it but you keep mentioning a 12 year old every thread thats why your the pedo of neets.me


Aug 28, 2021
its more about old women / ugly men hating on guys who can get prime jb thats why they make such a fuss about it but you keep mentioning a 12 year old every thread thats why your the pedo of neets.me
Well yeah she is 12 but that doesn't mean is pedo, she bleeds so she can breed and she is the most beautiful I've ever seen in my life. T he age of consent in the US used to be 10 in the united states but a group of jewish funden feminist protested to make it 18 or 16.


xiǎo bái liǎn / King Vamp
Dec 2, 2020

Well yeah she is 12 but that doesn't mean is pedo, she bleeds so she can breed and she is the most beautiful I've ever seen in my life. T he age of consent in the US used to be 10 in the united states but a group of jewish funden feminist protested to make it 18 or 16.
whatever pedo to me its more important how developed her body is if she is 12 but with a 18 year old body then im fucking


Nov 4, 2021
True tbh
I read the communist manifesto and Marx is an amazingly intelligent person but he didnt account for the fact that the majority of ppl arent going to want to reach self actualization and just didnt have the potential to be on the same level of intelligence as he was. Nietzsche' example where zarathustra tries to spread self actualization to the sheep but they all choose to stay ignorant and deluded instead basically sums up why communism has never gone well and never will. As long as blind comfort and hivemind is an option (and it always will) the majority of people will choose it for its simplicity, power will be taken by a non-sheep, and communism will become fascism as it always has

Marx' biggest mistake was assuming that the sheep are going to want to take an opportunity at freethinking, self actualization/enlightenment, self rule but most of them dont, and if they ever did it would probably end up being more of a mess than what we have already

See- king mswati III of eswatini. Fucking low IQ subhuman is king of a country and noone lives past 35, his people only recently heard about electricity, and 70% of the population has HIV 🙄

edit- My optimistic side used to agree with marx because I beleived most people led shit lives bc the system keeps them from being able to do any better, but I spent enough time in reality mingling with normies to see that theyre actually just NPCs to the core
Last edited:


Jun 13, 2021
True tbh
I read the communist manifesto and Marx is an amazingly intelligent person but he didnt account for the fact that the majority of ppl arent going to want to reach self actualization and just didnt have the potential to be on the same level of intelligence as he was. Nietzsche' example where zarathustra tries to spread self actualization to the sheep but they all choose to stay ignorant and deluded instead basically sums up why communism has never gone well and never will. As long as blind comfort and hivemind is an option (and it always will) the majority of people will choose it for its simplicity, power will be taken by a non-sheep, and communism will become fascism as it always has

Marx' biggest mistake was assuming that the sheep are going to want to take an opportunity at freethinking, self actualization/enlightenment, self rule but most of them dont, and if they ever did it would probably end up being more of a mess than what we have already

See- king mswati III of eswatini. Fucking low IQ subhuman is king of a country and noone lives past 35, his people only recently heard about electricity, and 70% of the population has HIV 🙄

edit- My optimistic side used to agree with marx because I beleived most people led shit lives bc the system keeps them from being able to do any better, but I spent enough time in reality mingling with normies to see that theyre actually just NPCs to the core
Since you are Marxist I’ll be glad to take you and Billy’s money off your hands.


Nov 4, 2021
Since you are Marxist I’ll be glad to take you and Billy’s money off your hands.
I said marx is a smart guy that overlooked certain facts which is the reason im not a marxist and every communist country is garbage

Go get your handouts from NPCs a black guy told me sometimes he'll wear a war vet costume and beg for money, make hundreds most days. that idea should get you started


Jun 13, 2021
I said marx is a smart guy that overlooked certain facts which is the reason im not a marxist and every communist country is garbage

Go get your handouts from NPCs a black guy told me sometimes he'll wear a war vet costume and beg for money, make hundreds most days. that idea should get you started
That’s actually a good idea. Thanks Billy’s brother.


Yes sir, i can boogie!
Oct 7, 2022

Gamal the slave was digging his living god the cradle in which he would spend his eternal slumber. Soon his pharaoh would have the luxury of dancing among the stars alongside his ancestors and their other glorious gods. Unlike Gamal himself, whom upon his death would be simply dumped into a mass grave to be eaten by insects alongside all the other poor suckers also tasked with building the Pharaoh's temple. Because in ancient Egypt you see, if you were poor you did not get to have a fancy afterlife like the Pharaoh. And why would they be? They after all were just mere bugs walking in the shadows of a living god. They were nothing compared to him. Their blood not worthy of flowing through the same veins. They were but a means to an end. Essentially living machines the sole purpose of which were to provide the more worthy blood with the means to flourish. They had no other place or purpose in this world. They existed only to serve the inherently superior.

But despite this, neither Gamal nor his band of suckers hated their pharaoh. For they, just like almost every other piece of shit degenerate inhabiting this ancient shithole of a country simply lacked the mental tools to understand why devoting their whole lives towards building what is basically a giant glorified coffin to appease the deranged ego of an 80 year old semi-living corpse is a terrible fucking idea.

That was 5 thousand years ago. Nothing has changed since then, except that we now have CEOs and dictators instead of kings and pharaohs. Yachts and mansions instead of Pyramids.

And the people haven't gotten any smarter. Despite all the miracle technology at people's disposal, they are just as clueless, ignorant, and generally apathetic towards the world around them and the people in control of it as they always have been. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

And the reason for this.....is because the elites are right.

Understanding why the elites are right about the world.
In all of human history, the ruling classes have regarded themselves as being inherently superior to the sheeple below them. From kings to pharaohs to emperors, all of them have regarded themselves and the ruling classes that they reigned over as being better than all the rest. From their point of view, there is something special about them. Something that they and they alone possess that simply doesn't exist among the rest of society. Some special ingredient. A special ingredient that makes them innately better suited for ruling, and that without them civilization simply cannot exist.

They have a point.

Starting with the enlightenment period in Europe during the 1700's, there developed ideologies that questioned the notion that humans were born innately unequal. Ideas of democracy and human equality (well by the standards of the era anyway) spread like wildfire, and about 3 centuries later the idea of democracy and the notion of "rule from below" had become not only accepted but near universal. Several competing branches of these ideas existed of course. On one hand we had liberty minded capitalists advocating for the removal of government. On the other hand we had marxists and socialists who insisted that only if the concept of the ownership class is destroyed can humanity be truly free. But despite their differences, all of these ideas shared one thing in common: All of them reject the notion that humans are born unequal and that some have a natural right to rule over others.

But is this faith in human equality warranted?

The reason the enlightenment was wrong
Advocates of the enlightenment did not understand human nature. Or more specifically, they did not understand evolution and socio-biology. Perhaps understandable mistakes, seeing as neither of those two things existed yet. But if they had existed, it seems extremely unlikely that liberal and humanist ideas would have gotten very far. Earlier, it was pointed out that historically the ruling classes have believed themselves to contain some special ingredient that gave them a natural talent for rulership as well as the right to rule. Something that made them different from the filthy unwashed masses and thus superior. But how much are these beliefs justified?

Defining superiority
So what exactly makes the ruling classes different from the sheep? Plenty of things as it turns out. The upper classes have vastly higher IQ on average (about 120+ compared to the average of 95-105), which is heavily correlated with positive life outcome for virtually everything that matters. They also (albeit not as consistently) have superior physical attractiveness as well. Genetics research has also revealed over and over that differences in IQ are mostly inherited, meaning that it's not possible for a low IQ family (baring some extreme luck) to give birth to high IQ children. As a result, we end up with a situation where all the most talented people tend to concentrate into the ruling classes over time while the inferior stay at the bottom where they remain stuck without a future to speak off. This is the absolute opposite of humans being equal.

But perhaps the biggest difference by far other than IQ or looks, is the entirely different psychology that the ruling classes enjoy compared to the unwashed masses...

Despite what most people think, the ruling classes have not historically been ignorant or out of touch with the rest of society. They just merely don't care about what happens to the "less fortunate" (aka the inferior), and this can create the illusion that the elites don't understand anything where as in reality they just don't give a shit. And why would they give a shit? The masses are comically apathetic about anything that isn't affecting them at that moment in time, and when they do care they will typically blame it on some bullshit instead of the actual real causes (the elites). Racism, ignorance, superstition, religion.....those things have always been practiced the most by the lower classes.

The ruling classes might exploit those things if it suits them sure, but only the lower classes actually truly crave those things. In fact, some of the most stable empires existed exactly and precisely because they were led by undemocratic elites that attempted to balance the needs of the different parts of their empires. Empires whom instantly fell into pieces once the masses were allowed to have any say in things (look at former Yugoslavia after it's dictator died) because they weren't able to look past things like race or some other bullshit. The elites are mostly concerned with stuff that actually matters. Wealth. Power. Status. Legacy. Historically the elites have either been enlightened visionaries or depraved debaucherous whom were simply too hedonistic to care about things like religion or nation. Race and religion is mostly a lower class cope.

The elites are actually blackpilled
One of the major mental differences between the elites and everybody else, is that the elites.....get it.

Sure the elites have higher IQ and better looks, but not everybody (most people don't in fact) with high IQ and good looks becomes a member of the ruling class. So what gives? Bad luck? No...

Bad luck has nothing to do with it. The "special ingredient" mentioned above (other than IQ+looks) IS THE BLACKPILL.

Yes, you read that right. In all of history the ruling classes HAVE BEEN BLACKPILLED. Obviously they did not use that word. In fact they probably did not even outright admit any blackpill truths (typically) in front of others. But they were still blackpilled. They understood (and still understand) how this world ACTUALLY works. They don't believe in morals or ethics. They don't believe in so called "human compassion" (which in reality is just a cucked excuse to shield the inferior from being thrown to the dogs). They don't believe in "meritocracy" (because they consider themselves superior). They don't believe in "equality". They don't actually believe in religion/god. They don't actually give a shit about abstract concepts like "nations" or "races" (except only as a means to bullshit the lower classes). They know those things are all horseshit.

But they also know that those things can be easily exploited to bullshit others...

Karl Marx was wrong. The masses NEED their copes
Karl Marx predicted a revolution of the lower classes. That once the poor become poor enough, that they would dispose of their corrupt elites and build a socialist society free of money and inequality. The premise seemed logical enough: Once the ruling class becomes too rich and the lower class too poor the later will stop tolerating the former and old bigotry over race and religion will vanish as the poor unite in their hatred towards the rich. Except this never happened. Because marx failed to understand something extremely important: THE MASSES NEED THEIR COPES.

They can't function without them. Take away their religions. Take away their nationalism. Take away their racial pride. And they are left with what? Nothing. They are left with nothing. Without their copes they are just useless pieces of shits with low IQ and bad looks. The critical mistake Marx made was assuming that the lower classes valued materialism more than the mental benefit of not thinking they are worthless, and he was largely incorrect. The masses are just as egotistical (if not more) as their rulers. They will not tolerate any blow to their ego and self-esteem. This is why even today the vast majority of normie NPC retards outright reject any notion of innate things like IQ or looks being critical in life because their whole world view would fall apart if they did.

Marx also failed to account for the inherently different psychology of the lower class Vs that of the ruling class. The ruling class isn't just the ruling class because of things like higher IQ, but also because the ruling class actually understands the world around it and preemptively insures that events unfold as it wants them to. The lower classes all the while remain glued to their smartphones and despite having literally a whole world worth of information in their hands remain clueless about everything that is happening around them. It literally doesn't matter to them that soon all of their freedoms could be lost and their standards of living massively downgraded, because there are simply to many low IQ distractions to keep their equally low IQ brains preoccupied. And in the event they do rebel, they will probably blame the wrong causes (aka race, religion etc) because they are too low IQ and stupid to understand whom their true enemy is.

The problem with Marx's theory isn't even really Marx's theory. Marx's theory was very much logical. The problem is...the sheep isn't.

The lower classes have built nothing of value
But even if Marx's prediction came true and the dumbfucks actually did overthrow their masters...then what?

These morons can't do anything on their own. If you look at history the overwhelming majority of them have been total NPCs with low IQ and no vision for anything. And in the handful few cases this wasn't the case, such individuals typically made it into the ruling class anyway exactly and precisely because they weren't useless dumbfucks like everybody else. People often like to talk about the "resourcefulness of humanity". Just fucking LOL. There isn't any such thing as "humanity". The ruling elites are so different biologically from the lower classes they could as well be a different species entirely (in fact, one could even make an educated argument that they really are in fact their own separate and superior sub-species...).

If a revolution were to happen and the "workers seized the means of production", then there would be a massive famine and half of them would starve to death because nobody would be able to keep anything working. Basically the world just devolve into a giant extension of Africa. No organized society, just a giant steaming pile of shit where nothing works and half of everybody starves. You can also forget about anybody inventing anything new or exiting.

What all of this comes down to in the end...
So back to our original question.....are the ruling classes really naturally born to rule?

The answer is yes.

And the reason it is yes, is because the lower classes have evolved to be easy to rule over. They don't understand anything and are too ignorant to be of any real danger to the ruling classes plans. They are talentless and invent virtually nothing noteworthy, being useful only as wagecucks (and even that will change once automation starts making them useless). They are racist, unintelligent and bigoted. And perhaps most hilariously, are some of the biggest supporters of throwing away things specifically designed to protect them like freedom of speech simply because they don't even have the maturity needed to exercise these very freedoms that were given to them by other much more intelligent and more worthy individuals (and of course are always utterly shocked when this backfires on them).

The masses are absolutely and utterly stupid. And 100% deserving of being ruled over by other superior humans.

So yes.....the ruling classes really are "born to rule".
this is incredibly based
So far there's no one here

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